From The Dream Vault: Restaurant Serving A Weird Kind Of A Pizza

What the Freek! Have you ever dream of this restaurant serving you this kind of a pizza? I had a dream like this since 2006,–right before 2007.

Within this dream what I remembered, I’ll explain how this dream occured.

The Story

I was taking a trip to this restaurant via a car with other villagers. These villagers are going to a new restaurant where they are serving new kind of foods what our village has never eaten before. However; they have to take it slow when they wanted to rely on a stable business structure. And they’re not in the rush.

When I first arrived at this restaurant, I sat at this table, waiting for other people to sit at this table.

There was a lady who is carrying lots of trays of food covered in these special boxes that keep dust, and bugs out. She asked me, “what do you want to order?” and I said, “what’s on the menu?” She answered, “we have crab legs, lobster tails, whole chicken, turkey, pork, ham, or pizza pod.” I asked, “what’s pizza pod?” She answered, “a pizza pod is a pizza that is like a long angled borito-like pastry. You can break a piece, and share it to your friends and family, and it can be eaten by r or more people.” I requested pizza pod. And the lady confirms if I wanted to choose it as my order.

She came back to this table.

“Pizza pod… what you ust ordered?” she asked. “Yes,” I answered. She opens up the box, and she loweres it at me, releasing the tabs,–establishing a meal being served!

I started eating my meal. It’s kind of good, but this is my first time having this kind of a food. And its unique. And this is a futuristic version of pizza that was released to the public within my dream.

This restaurant has made this viral food to me overtime. But this is a dream what I’ll never forget! But that pizza pod does taste good. It has no meat, and it was so unique, that can be a futuristic food in the future. If this kind of a food has been invented in the real world… that would be a viral dish in some restaurants.

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