My Dream Of An Arcade With An “Adult Sized” Kiddy Ride

Within my dream what I had since around the times when I was asleep, I decided to find me a ride to ride in the arcade when games are occupied. Almost all games are used up, but these rides look like they’re used up all right, but there’s one ride what someone don’t want to ride… it was a fairy, but she’s not human… she’s a fox-like fairy without any wings.

As I reach this ride, it was larger than she used to be. She’s a family-friendly animated fairy of some sort, and she’s unique by design. She wears a furry pink shirt with a pink skirt of some sort,–like a FairyTale Character, she has soft or hard design that makes her look like a dream creature that is really unique,–almost like she has afeature what common chickens had ontop of their heads, or something. Her head is big, and she’s like an anthropomorphic fox like this,–or maybe a cobination of two animals. She is white, but her hair is hidden. Maybe her specializedwig has been implemented,–making her look like a creature of some sort.

So, I hopped on this ride, and put 2 quarters in it to start a ride.

She went down, and then back up,–repeating the cycle! And NOW I got the sense of riding this fairy. Maybe I had this experience hardwired when I was little.

I asked one of my peers to take a picture of me riding on this ride, and everyone was proud to see me ride this toy that is for everybody of all ages. And what makes this ride really special, it has a message when the ride the starts, the message is, “don’t smoke”. And I was so proud when the programmers has made this right move. Other children who were riding earlier, has allowed me to ride this ride because, they’re taking turns.

This ride has been strategically marketed to both children and adults. Here’s the following reason why this ride is marketed to both children and adults:

  • For adults, this is a useful toy that can be used for amusement ride therapy, checking if this person can balance correctly.
  • For children, this is useful when children needs to learn to balance on rides, or get entertained.
  • This large-sized ride is an enlarged version of a kiddy ride that is purposely built for everywhere to remember their childhood, and it can be used as a therapy device.
  • Equal for everyone via any age.

I believe this fairy is intentionally dressed up like a unique clown that you can ride in your dream as entertainment only. Almost everyone in this arcade got entertainment.


This is my another dream what I had. And this is my dream of riding a newly repurposed ride that matches a fairy what I discovered for the first time. But this fairy has no wings!

Almost every customer is riding on each ride. and that’s FAIR for everyone!

This is a large sized arcade where they take all ages seriously. And public photography was allowed, but it was intended for a daily newspaper. Arcades in the real world don’t have this feature. If arcades were like this… we will be happy!

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