Houses Compilation: A House With An Electronic Sliding Door… TransParant House With Metal Structure And Brick… Large House In A Camping Village… And More!

Some of us has dreamed of owning houses, but in the real world… houses are expensive, and they’re not cheap at all! But some people has tried ways to save money on their other stuff. It’s important to keep up with your finances, and taxes within your country.

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From The Dream Vault: A Soft Plush Fairy At School

Please Note: This dream what I had is a parody of Kansas State School for the Blind.

When I was in a history classroom, taking history class; I stumbled upon a plush fairy what I never discovered before! It is a fairy doll all right, but its a large soft format. Maybe its a public domain fairy of some sort. She was sitting on a counter,–next to thesink. My teacher told me about this fairy doll.

This lady has been teaching history since years ago. Since she has collected this fairy doll for me… she believes this public domain toy was being shipped to me as I was asleep. But I’m not sure why this fairy has appeared. The school what I was in was kind of celebrating “Fairy Day” or something! Since this school was large, it has lots of buildings than normal.

Here’s what I discovered as I take a closer look of this fairy doll:

  • She wears a pink dress
  • She has wings that are clear
  • She has red hair.
  • Since this fairy doll was shipped to this school… it was accidentally dropped off at this room since days ago. But other fairy-believers are taking a closer look why there was an issue with their members of the temple not doing their job right.

    Since I started believing in fairies since 2006; this dream what I had was kind of relevant. Thanks to finding books about fairies.

    There’s no wonder why these other fairy-believers has failed to keep up with new fairy-believers. Maybe these bigoted fairy-believers has been removed from the temple someplace. But the good news is… other fairy-believers has parked this fairy doll to position where I landed.

    Did you had a dream about this toy what you discovered at school? Let me know at the comments below.

    Subway Trains Compilation: Colored shaded train cars… Subway Station Underneath Home… And More!

    Everyday in the large city… we take subway trains to go from place… to place. If you been on a subway train before, you are most likely to have a dream of taking a subway ride to any place where you are actually going, but some subway trains can be functional.

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    My Dream Of An Arcade With An “Adult Sized” Kiddy Ride

    Within my dream what I had since around the times when I was asleep, I decided to find me a ride to ride in the arcade when games are occupied. Almost all games are used up, but these rides look like they’re used up all right, but there’s one ride what someone don’t want to ride… it was a fairy, but she’s not human… she’s a fox-like fairy without any wings.

    As I reach this ride, it was larger than she used to be. She’s a family-friendly animated fairy of some sort, and she’s unique by design. She wears a furry pink shirt with a pink skirt of some sort,–like a FairyTale Character, she has soft or hard design that makes her look like a dream creature that is really unique,–almost like she has afeature what common chickens had ontop of their heads, or something. Her head is big, and she’s like an anthropomorphic fox like this,–or maybe a cobination of two animals. She is white, but her hair is hidden. Maybe her specializedwig has been implemented,–making her look like a creature of some sort.

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    Mice Compilation: Riding A Mouse… Mice Dressed Up As Nurse… All Dreams What I Had Long Ago Have Mice Featured… And More…

    Got dreams involving mice? I do have these unique dreams like this since long time ago. Within this journal entry, I’ll present you these stories about these dreams what I had since long ago. And most of these dreams what I had may be based-on art what I just created, movies what I’ve watched, books what I read, games what I’ve just played, or places what I went to.

    If you think mice are amazing, and you had these good dreams what I had since years ago, shrink and enter the virtual world, and enjoy these dreams what I used to have since long ago.

    Continue reading “Mice Compilation: Riding A Mouse… Mice Dressed Up As Nurse… All Dreams What I Had Long Ago Have Mice Featured… And More…”